Monday 29 February 2016


After much debate on the sound and credits, we have now finished (Within the deadline) and even put in the details which were mentioned in our first screening such as the scream.
Here is the final Edit of our film opening, Duplicity:

Sunday 7 February 2016

1st sceening to Class + feedback

WE thought the best way to improve what we have already edited was to show the opening to the class and then film the feedback and reactions of our classmates and Ms Foster.

The feedback given was fair, in the end we want criticism, so that we can improve our film opening an hopefully get a better grade. We have currently used no sound at all, except for diegetic of course, which we thinks works well. we have the opening cutting to black, where we hear the mug breaking, which to be honest is creepy enough, but
In the video Esther comments on Billy (Our figure) using hand sanitizer and how it doesn't fit particularly into our theme of thriller/horror, but I quite like that element of creepiness and humour, as it kind of breaks the tension, or builds it?
Our to do list now stands as:
-Record a scream

Thursday 4 February 2016

The characters

The Figure
Attire: Smart/ casual, Greay blazer and black jeans, glasses and hand sanitiser

Attire: Black ripped jeans, black jumper, purple docs and the infamous Purple sock + the white mug.

The weirdest photo: The female victim with the creepy figure.