Sunday 1 November 2015

How Netflix Is Changing The World

We are all aware of the technological advances when it comes to how we view our favourite TV dramas and Films. The Media Industry has gone through rapid change throughout the last few years, where streaming services such at Netflix and Amazon Prime have flushed DVD's, cinema and television right down the drain. To be honest they're aren't many of us (Except the oldies who can't seem to grasp modern technology) who still watch television live, because of the services that are now available to the public, whether it be Netflix and Amazon prime, or on demand or illegal downloading, how we view TV and film has changed! and massively!

Maybe the thought of viewing whatever you want 24 hours a day and from an array of different devices is just too irresistible. We no longer watch TV on just a plain television because there are tablets, Phones, computers etc. available to us where we can access films and media. Netflix began as a website where people could rent DVD's online and get them posted through the mail. It has very much evolved from that and now with a whole host of new On - demand shows, it gives consumers superior access to the latest TV series and movies and all within the comfort of their own homes! Netflix has also become a leeway for Showrunners and Scriptwriters because it offers up- front contracts, resulting  in some of the best new TV shows such as "Orange Is The New Black' and 'House of Cards'. Netflix also started uploading entire seasons all in one go, which invented the new sensation of 'Binge- Watching', in contrast to the more traditional once- a- week programming model.

Streaming a movie through Netflix is far more convenient than spending a night at the cinema whilst also spending a fortune. Viewers can now even create a cinema- like atmosphere within their own homes with the addition of high definition and surround sound. Cinema Companies realise that consumers can create this environment at home without even needing to step foot outside of their homes except to spend millions on the latest equipment and technology. To fight the competition with streaming companies, cinemas have sent billions on updated projectors and are even experimenting with lesser- known films that aren't available through Netflix.

Although the Media Industry is changing, it always has! And probably always will! But it can only get better, right?

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