Sunday 17 April 2016

Batman VS. Superman Review (2016)

To start off with, as you know (From my Deadpool review) I'm not that into superhero/ Dc comic/ Marvel movies, like at ALL. But I'm a media student how stupid does one have to be not to understand Batman Vs Superman. ME, you have to be as stupid as me to not understand what goes on this movie.
I didn't even know what was going on half the time. I didn't even know the difference between Who Batman was and who Superman was. I swear all my friends who came along with me probably wished I wasn't there because I asked too many questions during the movie.

what made it bad was not only the fact that didn't Understand it, but the fact that the movie was titled Batman vs Superman yet the fight scene between them lasted a mere 7 minutes.
PLus can we PLEASE talk about how stupid WonderWoman's costume was. Like Seriously! You can't fight half naked?

To be honest i don't really know why I'm writing a review on this movie, seen as I didn't understand it.
It was bad because I didn't understand it. I didn't understand because it was bad.

Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill, Badman Vs. superman was not good.
I think it's just a thing I have against Superheros to be perfectly fair. I swear how could you not notice Clarke kent is Superman. He puts on glasses but that doesn't change the fact that his face is still EXACTLY THE SAME.

In case for some reason you haven't watched the trailer and want to even after my review then here it is:

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