Thursday 21 April 2016

This Blog is now closed


After having done the evaluations, I feel a sense of accomplishment for what we've created this year. Going from ideas to a prelim to filming to editing to our final product. We Had ups and downs, but everything is done and completed.

Evaluation Question 2

2. How does your media Product represent Particular social groups?

Evaluation Question 3

If Our Film Opening Was a Full Movie

We tossed around many ideas of what our full length film would be if it had to be, I think we settled on it being about a schizophrenic Detective on the case of a murderer girl, who is actually in fact the murderer all along. We wanted the first murder (the one that builds up in our film opening) to be the first of many murders, of which happen in the movie.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product?

Evaluation Questions 4 and 5

Evaluation Question 1

-Our film opening follows conventions of thriller movies and tv shows. We mainly drew inspiration through movies like seven, Silence of the lambs and Luther.
-We only used diegetic sound throughout our movie opening, because it creates a build up and builds tension for the final moment. Back to future uses only deistic sound and so does luther. It makes the audience feel uncomfortable.
-We watched title sequences form several thriller movie and decided to out our white titles in the dark, empty space in the frames. These movies, Seven, Panic room and shutter island follow the same concept.
-Our establishing shots are dark and conform to the expectations of many thriller movies like luther. However the setting for our film soon changes to light key lighting, which challenges conventions.
- We also use POV shots from both characters in our opening, to create tension and the appearance that there is more than one character in the opening shots, before you see the close ups of the figure. This technique that conveys something is not quite right is used in Luther.
- Our film opening challenges conventions by having comic elements present within the opening. What makes our opening slightly comic is the close ups of our figure and the comedy - horror shot at the end.

Batman VS. Superman Review (2016)

To start off with, as you know (From my Deadpool review) I'm not that into superhero/ Dc comic/ Marvel movies, like at ALL. But I'm a media student how stupid does one have to be not to understand Batman Vs Superman. ME, you have to be as stupid as me to not understand what goes on this movie.
I didn't even know what was going on half the time. I didn't even know the difference between Who Batman was and who Superman was. I swear all my friends who came along with me probably wished I wasn't there because I asked too many questions during the movie.

what made it bad was not only the fact that didn't Understand it, but the fact that the movie was titled Batman vs Superman yet the fight scene between them lasted a mere 7 minutes.
PLus can we PLEASE talk about how stupid WonderWoman's costume was. Like Seriously! You can't fight half naked?

To be honest i don't really know why I'm writing a review on this movie, seen as I didn't understand it.
It was bad because I didn't understand it. I didn't understand because it was bad.

Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill, Badman Vs. superman was not good.
I think it's just a thing I have against Superheros to be perfectly fair. I swear how could you not notice Clarke kent is Superman. He puts on glasses but that doesn't change the fact that his face is still EXACTLY THE SAME.

In case for some reason you haven't watched the trailer and want to even after my review then here it is:

Thursday 14 April 2016

Evaluation Plan

This is my plan for my evaluation videos...


After much discussion with the other girls about the certificate rating of our blog we came to the conclusion that it would be rated a 12, even though Horror movies tend to be rated 15's and above, Our film opening does not include many of the features of a 15, like violence sex etc. Although the threat of violence is definitely there, you do not actually see anything happen. It it was also a major film, we would want to open up the film to as many people as possible. When you have a certificate 15 on your film, you make the film unavailable to a big section of your audience. 

Thursday 10 March 2016

Iconic moment

We have chosen this particular moment to feature on the questionnaires people will be given on our showcase evening (14th March)

Thursday 3 March 2016

Evaluation Questions

The questions that have to addressed in my evaluation are:

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How does your media Product represent Particular social groups?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Deadpool Review

What to say? I love this movie. Even the box office proves that this film is amazing! Reaching a massive $135,050,000 in its opening weekend, it is a huge success.

To be perfectly honest, I don't particularly like Marvel movies, but I was drawn to this one because of the comic elements. This film isn't just a Marvel 'superhero' movie, it makes fun of Ryan Reynolds and superhero movies because it doesn't live up to the conventions of the typical Marvel movie.
Even if you look at the marketing campaign, it was risky, but very creative. They used misleading signs to advertise the movie and used Ryan Reynolds as an advertising logo. All in all this proved successful. It also had the comics so the audience had a platform before the movie had been shot.

Directed by Tim Miller, Deadpool is the story Wade Wilson, a petty criminal, who is diagnosed with terminal cancer, who then seeks out the help of Ajax after they said they would cure his cancer.
After copious amounts of torture and jokes, Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool when he mutates, so that he can survive any injury.
The overall Character of 'Deadpool' or 'Wade Wilson' is not your typical hero, in fact if you ask me he's more of a villain than Hero. However in context, It may seem that his enemy, Ajax, is far more demonised and villain-like than Deadpool.

I hourly Enjoyed this movie and found it very funny.

Monday 29 February 2016


After much debate on the sound and credits, we have now finished (Within the deadline) and even put in the details which were mentioned in our first screening such as the scream.
Here is the final Edit of our film opening, Duplicity:

Sunday 7 February 2016

1st sceening to Class + feedback

WE thought the best way to improve what we have already edited was to show the opening to the class and then film the feedback and reactions of our classmates and Ms Foster.

The feedback given was fair, in the end we want criticism, so that we can improve our film opening an hopefully get a better grade. We have currently used no sound at all, except for diegetic of course, which we thinks works well. we have the opening cutting to black, where we hear the mug breaking, which to be honest is creepy enough, but
In the video Esther comments on Billy (Our figure) using hand sanitizer and how it doesn't fit particularly into our theme of thriller/horror, but I quite like that element of creepiness and humour, as it kind of breaks the tension, or builds it?
Our to do list now stands as:
-Record a scream

Thursday 4 February 2016

The characters

The Figure
Attire: Smart/ casual, Greay blazer and black jeans, glasses and hand sanitiser

Attire: Black ripped jeans, black jumper, purple docs and the infamous Purple sock + the white mug.

The weirdest photo: The female victim with the creepy figure.

Monday 25 January 2016


As of now, we have almost finished the editing process of our film, everything is edited together, EXCEPT for the ending. We were supposed to film this weekend, but I stupidly forgot about the whole thing and didn't arrive. So I basically let the whole squad down. Sorry guys.

We have started to play around with sound. We only want diegetic sound until the moment of the meeting, when our figure starts to run at our victim, this sound HAS to be spooky and has to build up like a crescendo where our beginning cuts to black.

Monday 18 January 2016

Latest Shoot

These are some photos from our lasts shoot, which happened last week. We woke up early to find that snow had fallen, but we found this to great, as we never really saw the garden in what we had already filmed. It adds charisma to the film. The morning was successful.

The garden in the morning.


Us discussing what to do

Sunday 10 January 2016

Silent Witness

I watch Silent Witness with my mum and when I came across this clip, I immediately thought of our Film opening. I think what makes this Clip so scary is the atmosphere that is created through Lighting, where it is dark, especially when the woman enters her home, and the sound. Which is mostly Diegetic, with the windows opening sounds, as it builds tension, but makes the audience feel vulnerable, but at the same time believe there is someone in this woman's home! 
Although our movie is mostly filmed, we can edit it so that the lighting is particularly daunting for the audience and pick our sound use very carefully. We have planned to keep the sound mostly diegetic, but the sound at the clip where the future runs, we want it to be very dramatic and traumatic for the audience.

Tuesday 5 January 2016


May the editing begin…

BFI Visit

In November we went on two trips to the BFI to learn more about our AS Media course through several Lectures… Throughout the days I took some photos. We also got to talk to Corin Hardy, The director of a new film called The Hallow...

Dreary London...


During the holidays, we had time to meet up on two consecutive days where we would film everything, and have as minimal continuity editing possible.
Here are some behind the scenes from those two days:

(Everything behind the sock)

photo of megan filming the POV shot

Me filming the Kettle shot

(ft my bum)

From spending quite some time filming the end sequence we've come to a decision to see what type of stuff we've got and play around with what we have and then see if anything comes of it.